PKB Group
Currently, this page links to the two page worthy pieces of software I have written. They were written using tools from PkB software so they should be considered PKB projects. I'll link to the latest versions first, then maybe go through old versions.
Bop It
- dice
- It is now possible to reroll all dice with the same result as the one selected in the results by clicking the reroll all button or by pressing ctrl+shift+r. Nice for rerolling 1's when picking stats for D&D characters etc.
- A new option has been added called Speak each dice when rerolling multiple. This will toggle whether each new result is spoken when rerolling multiple dice.
- A speak menu has been added with 4 options in it, speak selected dice, speak selected sides, sppeak total result, speak all results. alt+1 through alt+4 respectively. These will make the program speak what ever is selected, in the event of speak all results alt+4 it will read each result in the results list, and finish off by reading the total.
- 12 buttons have been added across the bottom of the screen just above the status line, but below the roll buttons. These 12 buttons are preset dierolls. Clicking one of these will automatically roll what ever dieroll the button shows. Clicking the 1d6 button will set the dice combo to 1, the sides combo to 6, and then automatically perform a roll, for example. The buttons are 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20, 1d100, 2d4, 2d6, 2d8, 3d6, 3d10 and 4d6.
- Hotkeys have been added for each of these buttons, f1 through f12. F1 activates 1d4, f2 activates 1d6,, f12 activates 4d6, etc.
- dice
- You can now reroll any ddice selected from the results combo by pressing ctrl+r, or clicking the reroll button.
- Lots of code changes to make it a little easier to understand from a coding point of view.
- Pause length modifications to hellp try and emphesize which number is supposed to indicate what.
- Differences between verbiage in novice versis not novice mode have been increased.
- dice
- Added a menu system that lets you enable/disable the sspeech, enable/disable speaking of each dice when rolling multiple, and enable and disable novice mode. the program is more verbose in both speech and what it displays when novice mode is turned on.
- dice
- Upgraded the voiceover script yet again.
- The keys that were global are now gone.
- alt+f4 now works to close the program, as does clicking on close from the system menu or pressing escape.
- the program has been completely redesigned and now it's GUI has 3 combo boxes and a roll button. Using the first two combo boxes, it supports up to 30 dice, up to 100 sides. The result for each die is displayed in a third combo box after rolling. The roll button is the default button, so pressing enter anywhere in the program's main window, including but not necessarily of course on the roll button will activate the roll button.
- To do: improve speech output to make more sense going with the new multiple dice support.
- To do: re-implimint the repeat result command that used to be space bar.
- dice
- Trimmed a couple of sounds to make the speech playback more fluid
- Updated the voiceover script, again. It can now read very large numbers, but will do so digit by digit.
- dice
- Switched to a new version of my voiceover script that fixed some bugs.
- Changed the PFS at the beginning of the title of the program to PKB.
- dice
- Slowed down the speech system. In the initial version I had it playing too fast and it was speaking two numbers etc on top of itself before the last thing said had finished. I want this as fast as I can get it, but it doesn't have to be ridiculous.
- Changed the version numbering to have four octets
- dice 0.1